Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Beyond The Window

I see my face reflecting in the window, as the rain falls;
How many times I've seen that face staring in the glass, how many times I've wished that face was not my own;
The rain fades softly away, a shaft of sun pierces the brooding clouds like a sword;
I thought pierces me as well. Their is one who knows me deeper  than the others;
He knows how I cry inside while I put a smile on for the others, He knows how I remember mocking words and deeds;
He knows how I dream of hills and prairies far away.
He calls me by name and smiles at me;
He reaches out a hand for mine.
He knows me, because He made me and now shows me life, beyond the window.
  I wrote this poem, if you can call it that, a little while ago and thought you guys might like to read it and give me feed back on what yall think.